Posted in PhD 101

50 Shades of Academia #3 Literary Snobbery

To change the reputation of dry-as-dust scholarly writing, JSTOR has introduced an AI Writing&Editing software collaborated with School of Literature, Languages and Linguistics.

After the input of research questions, data and results, it generates a paper within a minute, with writing styles such as those of Shakespeare, Austen, Wilde, or Kafka to choose from.

Reviewers and readers can customize the style to regenerate the work, thus revealing its intellectual value that could be overlooked by literary snobs.

After a three-month beta test, statistics shows that options other than “plain”, which is built on the vast pool of existing scholarly publications, are rarely used — not even the highly recommended “Hemingway”.


I start this wonderful journey as Grace's mother after finishing my Ph.D. in Accounting. Born and raised in China, I am now living in Canada. Twitter: @mamajreading

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